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Educator Programs

One of the major premises underlying the development of our programs is that the students of today are tomorrow's workforce. It is the educator's goal to help supply students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century by being better prepared to fill top-level positions and compete within a global economy. It is ACES' goal to help prepare teachers for that challenge. Below are descriptions of the three educator courses that we have offered in the past.

If you are interested in more information regarding these programs contact us here or call us at (814) 456-7007

Free Enterprise: How it Works in Northwestern Pennsylvania
This extremely popular educator program is approved for two Act 48 Graduate Professional Education credits and 60 Act 48 hours. The program is an applied course, designed to provide two-way dialogue with local business leaders. It consists of a series of seminars between businesspersons and educators, conducted on-site at various business locations, supplemented by classroom lectures on related topics.

The program gives teachers an opportunity to interact with business executives in whose operations particular social studies, economic principles, math principles, technology and communication concepts are applied. Teachers can discuss and share ways to transmit these topics and related information to their students. In addition, teachers will also be better able to inform students about expectations and skills needed for the workplace. Articles, websites and standards-based lesson plan development enhance the course and will help educators achieve proposed Academic Standards for Economics at all grade levels.

GEnESUS :  A Business Management Experience

ACES' exciting, popular in-school program "Pennsylvania Business Week" has now grown up! This business simulation course has been upgraded to fit the needs of educators.

Genesustm, an ACT 48 eligible graduate course (one Act 48 Graduate Professional Education credit and 30 Act 48 hours), is a comprehensive one-week program, which requires educators, grades K through 12, to test their decision-making abilities in all facets of business operations and see the results. Through a computer business simulation, presentations by community business executives, outside reading assignments, interactive discussions and teamwork, educators gain business and economic knowledge in an interactive, competitive environment. Educators are divided into management teams that run their own companies and compete in the marketplace, making all managerial decisions dealing with pricing their product, investing, research and development, marketing, production and human resources.

Career Opportunities in Northwestern Pennsylvania

Developed and patterned on our popular Free Enterprise program, this is our newest ACES course, consisting of shorter weekly seminars at area businesses. It will focus on career opportunities available to students in the region. Act 48 hours will be awarded based on the number of weekly seminars in the program. The program gives teachers an opportunity to interact with business executives to learn what opportunities are available locally for their students, and what skills are needed for a successful career in their own back yard, without the need to relocate to another area.

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