Volunteer Opportunities
We are always looking for volunteers to help out at Pennsylvania Business Week. Below are a few ways you can become directly involved with the program. For further information or if you have any questions please contact us.

Business Advisors
Business Advisors are needed to assist students in running their company. Business advisors and teachers partner in the classroom. Each student company is assigned a volunteer from the business community to offer guidance and assistance for the week. These professionals hold the most important role of the program because they not only guide the students as they run their companies, but they act as role models.
Please click here for more information on how to participate as a business advisor.

Competition Judges
Judges experienced in accounting, advertising, banking, and related fields view and judge the student competitions at the end of the week.
Please click here for more information on how to participate as a competition judge.

Featured Speaker
Speakers knowledgeable in business ethics, presentation skills, business finance, marketing, manufacturing, entrepreneurship, and other business-related topics offer their expertise to students and educators.
Please click here for more information on how to participate as a featured speaker.